Healthcare for Business

Savings Opportunities

Employee Healthcare Savings: ConnectWell

ConnectWell is a rebate offered to businesses in Massachusetts – Offers 15% rebate on healtcare premiums if you qualify

Offer top quality health benefits to your employees and save money.

At MedHealth Insurance Agency, we understand that a healthy workforce is the cornerstone of a successful business. That’s why we recommed an innovative wellness program designed to help your employees lead healthier lives, ConnectWell.  This program is tailored to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses, providing a suite of wellness resources and tools that are both effective and easy to implement.

What is ConnectWell?

ConnectWell offers a comprehensive approach to employee wellness, with a focus on preventive care, mental health, and overall well-being. The program includes:

  • Personalized Health Assessments: Employees can take advantage of individualized health assessments that help identify risk factors and provide actionable steps to improve their health.

  • Wellness Challenges: Engage your team with fun and interactive wellness challenges that promote healthy habits and foster a sense of community within your organization.

  • Resource Library: Access a vast collection of health and wellness resources, including articles, videos, and tips on topics ranging from nutrition and fitness to stress management.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Track the progress of your wellness initiatives with detailed reports that help you understand the impact of MedHealth Connect on your workforce’s health and productivity.

Why It Matters

Investing in employee wellness isn’t just about reducing healthcare costs; it’s about creating a happier, more engaged workforce.  It’s our goal to help you support your employees’ health journey, leading to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work environment.

Get Started Today

Join the growing number of businesses that are taking proactive steps to enhance employee well-being. Contact MedHealth Insurance Agency to learn more about how ConnectWell can benefit your business and help you build a healthier, more productive workforce.

What MedHealth has to offer:

Access to 50+ plans offered through 5 top insurance companies and 3 different plan types through the Massachusetts Health Connector for small businesses.

Savings opportunities for qualified businesses, like saving 15% through ConnectWell and up to 50% health care tax rebates.

Personalized service to help navigate policy renewals, onboarding employees and other administrative tasks.

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Frequently Asked Question

Working with us is completely FREE to small businesses, we are compensated by insurance companies. We help our partners in several different ways.

Finding the right plan - We learn about your company, employees, goals and budget to find the best plan for your busienss.

Service - We help employees enroll in your plan, answer their questions and manage events like adding dependents due to the birth of a child. Plus, we work hard to find you tax rebates or state approve rebates.

Renewals - We communicate important renewal date, coordinate documents and cover plan changes.

Here's what you need to qualify to obtain coverage through the Massachusetts Health Connector.

Your company has between 2-50 employees.

Your company is based in Massachusetts.

Plan Options - select from over 50 plan options across 3 plan types, we'll help you find the right one.

Savings - On top of the many options, there are cost savings and tax rebated available to qualified businesses.

Simplicity - The platform brings together big insurance companies, the State of Mass and certified brokers, like MedHealth to provide an easy health coverage experience.